Monday, July 5, 2010

Girls....It is Time to Take Care of You!

Deep Breath, Relax and Enjoy – say ahhhhh!
Expert's Name: Gail Edgell

It seems that women are always running around with their body going in one direction and their mind in the other. Here are some things that might end up in your day: running to the bank, going to work, going to the grocery store, attending a social event, paying the bills, getting a shower....all to do it all over again the next day. Sound fun. Most women when asked will say that they love being a parent and/or a significant other and would not trade it for the world. Unfortunately, our bodies and minds can only take so much.

This week is Women's Health Week. Honor yourself. You are a whole, complete being put on this great earth to do awesome things. Take time to reflect and relax by sitting on a park bench and/or getting a massage. Set aside time where the only concern you have is you. You deserve it. And believe it or not, you are the only person that will allow yourself this time. Others can tell you, but you have to make the conscious choice.

Unfortunately, when women approach menopause many lose their sense of self. They identified themselves as a parent or a wife and now that the environment has changed, they too have changed.

As you take time to reflect this week, think about what you really want out of life. Are you living the life you want or are you living the life of mediocre? What will be your legacy?

Action Step: Make a 100% effort to do something for you. Perhaps journal your thoughts. Think about what types of things feed your soul. What are you passionate about doing? This is your life.

If you would like access to more great menopause information and a list of experts go to

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